Postgraduate work in Trinity College Dublin is very academically challenging and as a result the University has high academic entry requirements.
Applicants will need to hold:
Some courses may require higher standards or require you to take further tests or attend an interview.
All students undertaking a research degree are assigned to a single principal supervisor. The supervisor’s role is essentially that of an academic guide and mentor.
If you plan to carry out your degree by research, you are advised to contact the appropriate School with your research proposal and arrange a suitable supervisor before submitting your application. You should initially consult the School website for further information.
Research students are placed either directly on the Ph.D. register or on the Masters register. Research students on the Masters register may then transfer to the Ph.D. register if their progress has been satisfactory. Such transfers usually occur during the second year of full-time study.
European Union fees are based on residency and a European Union passport or citizenship does not grant automatic entitlement to EU fees. As approved by Board on 3 December 2003, applications for admission are classified as EU applications or non-EU applications. An EU application is one made by a person who fulfils one or more of the following criteria:
All other applications are considered to be non-EU applications
Students who have had periods of residence outside the EU are required to provide documentary evidence for their claim for EU fee status. This evidence must be presented with their application.
Non-EU applicants will almost certainly need to obtain a valid visa to undertake study here. Please refer to the Additional Information for International Students where you will find information regarding visas.