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Is an anonymous, private, confidential self-evaluation tool that allows users to reflect and evaluate upon the level of inclusivity within the delivery of programmes, modules or individual practices. Once completed, users will receive a report offering suggested actions that they can follow to enhance inclusion in their area.
This self-evaluation tool has been created for the evaluation of teaching, assessment, and information-sharing processes.
If you would like to evaluate an administrative area or service please contact the TIC Development Officer for an evaluation template.
Take me to the TIC self-evaluation tool
The length of time varies depending on the evaluation type you complete and your subject area. Generally it should take between 20 minutes and 45 minutes. You can split the work between your colleagues also by inviting collaborators to complete your evaluation.
You do not have 20-45 minutes free in which to complete an evaluation?
You have opened an evaluation and see that there are a lot of subsections!
Some subsections are not relevant to your practices.
Some subsections would be better answered by colleagues.
You have completed some subsections and would like to get feedback
This self-evaluation tool consists of a tick-box questionnaire.
Questions are grouped under a series of headings concerning the design and delivery of teaching, learning, and assessment.
You are asked to respond to questions by ticking the relevant boxes, and based on your answers a report including suggestions, resources, and templates to enhance inclusion will be created.
For each question three possible responses are available:
A text box is also provided for each question. You may wish to include further details in this section as an aide memoir.
It is recommended that you seek student feedback as part of the evaluation process.
Participants during the pilot process in 2009-10 reported that seeking student feedback was a very beneficial exercise and led to a new understanding of the student's overall academic experience. Staff testimonials and draft questionnaires for student feedback.
Once the questionnaire is completed your answers will be collated into one comprehensive, succinct summary report with suggestions for future action.
This questionnaire is a resource for those wishing to evaluate their curriculum for inclusive practices. It is anonymous, personal, and private, and only those you choose to invite for collaboration, have access to your responses within the tool.
Content of responses cannot be seen by the administrators and are not used for auditing purposes. The tool administrator has access to the e-mail addresses of registered users only, and will not share this list with others without your express permission.
TIC Self Evaluation Tool Instructions