Course Structure

The MSc in Quantum Science and Technology consists of six taught modules worth 10 ECTS credits each. These are structured around a cross-cutting introductory module which is designed to equipped students with the foundational information necessary to progress through the remaining modules in the programme.

This MSc focuses on quantum information theory, quantum computing and the physics of quantum hardware. It will have input from key industry collaborators so that students can be informed of the latest trends in the rapidly growing area and understand how the programme is designed to meet these challenges and opportunities. In addition, a tailored internship or project will be offered in industry or academia. The subject matter of each of the modules will draw on the pre-existing strengths of the quantum research excellence in the School of Physics.


Module 1: Introduction to Quantum Information Science

This module introduces the student to important concepts in quantum information theory. Core ideas from quantum information theory will be introduced such as single and two qubit gates, the Bloch sphere and the density matrix. Students will also learn about core concepts such as no-cloning, teleportation, super dense coding and entanglement theory.
This module will be conducted online.


Module 2: Special topics and the quantum industry

This module invites our industrial partners and academic partners to speak about their work in quantum companies, the research that they do and how the quantum industry is evolving. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the industry, the module is flexible and different content will be delivered in different years. In this way the most cutting-edge aspects of the industry are communicated to the students.



Module 3: Open Quantum Systems

This module focuses on dynamical aspects of quantum mechanics needed to understand quantum technologies from an open system perspective. Emphasis will be put on fundamentals which will form the theoretical basis for both Module 4 and Module 5.



Module 4: Quantum Material Science

Many of today’s quantum technologies are based on harnessing quantum effects in systems such as through cold atoms or superconducting systems. In quantum science and technologies, photonic quantum effects have played a central role from the start, but most solutions and systems required cryogenic temperatures to reduce effects from quantum noise. Quantum materials and quantum nano-photonics offer a route to elevate quantum technologies to room temperature by reducing the impact of thermal fluctuations and disorder. In this module, quantum materials will be explored from this perspective.



Module 5: Physical implementations of quantum technology

This module covers the physical principles of operation of different architectures for quantum devices. It explores the criteria for the physical implementation of quantum devices, and the extent to which current and future architectures meet those criteria. It will cover a range of platforms including superconducting qubits, atom/ion traps, solid-state defects, and photonic circuits, with students exploring one approach in depth through a short research review.



Module 6: Quantum computation and algorithms

This module is an introduction to quantum computation and algorithms with an emphasis on the circuit model for quantum computation. Computer based tutorials will be given on writing elementary quantum programs on several software platforms.



Module 7: Quantum project/Internship

The emphasis of this module is to develop key research skills such developing the transfer of knowledge from modules to a real problems in the quantum technology research field and to critique how quantum researchers work in either an industrial or academic environment. This module will require the completion of a cutting-edge research project. Students will produce a dissertation on their work and present their findings to academics in the field.



Learning Outcomes

To be eligible for this qualification, students must complete the following Learning Outcomes:

  • CLO1 Illustrate a deep knowledge of quantum information theory
  • CLO2 Identify the basic concepts of quantum computing, algorithms and error correction
  • CLO3 Define open quantum systems and explain their applications
  • CLO4 Describe the basics of quantum materials and their role in quantum technology
  • CL05  Devise basic algorithms on real quantum computers
  • CL06  Summarize the physics of current quantum hardware
  • CL07  Examine the current quantum industry
  • CL08  Integrate in a quantum research and development team either in academia or industry