Prospective applicants are advised of our parallel degree entry routes for degrees in Physics. These entry routes are either Physical Sciences (TR063) leading to degrees in Physics, Physics and Astrophysics, Nanoscience or Theoretical Physics (TR035) leading to a degree in Theoretical Physics
Physics explores our universe in all its diversity.
A Physics degree covers a broad syllabus which includes hands-on practical work while allowing you develop flexible skills in theory, instrumentation and data analysis. The course covers core subjects, including mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, modern optic sand condensed matter physics, and more specialised topics such as nanoscience, high energy physics, astrophysics and superconductivity.
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The exploration of our solar system and the universe beyond.
The Physics and Astrophysics course includes a good background in core Physics subjects as well as specialised Astrophysics courses in topics such as astronomical instrumentation, spectroscopy, the solar system, stellar evolution, supernovae, galaxies, interstellar matter, black holes and cosmology.
Theoretical physics explores the natural world at its most fundamental level.
Theoretical Physics is taught jointly by the Schools of Physics and Mathematics and is an excellent course for those with good mathematical ability, who wish to acquire a deeper physical and mathematical knowledge of the world.
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Nanoscience is the study of small scale matter, the minuscale building blocks of the material and biological worlds.
In this course, run jointly by the Schools of Physics and Chemistry, students will gain a deep and lasting understanding of the science of advanced materials that underpins the ‘nano’ revolution.
All Trinity Physics degree courses are accredited by the Institute of Physics, which is the professional body for physicists in Ireland and the UK. Holders of accredited degrees can follow a route to Institute of Physics Membership and the 'Chartered Physicist' (CPhys). professional qualification.
IThis course is aimed at students who may have no prior background in physics but who would like to learn about how physics affects the world around them, in particular the impact physics has on the earth and life sciences. This course may be of particular interest to those considering a career in post-primary teaching. It carries 10 credits (ECTS).